Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Advice to self - to be pondered upon and (not) followed

I think that I should read/re-read a book if I'm going to watch a movie based on it. Especially if it was something i read way back in 2007 (when NV was my book-source :P). This is something I realized when I went to watch 'Life of Pi' and 'The Hobbit'.

(Sample this : I only remembered that I'd read them both as NV had lent them to me, around the time she gave me 'Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, and 'Silence of the lambs' - the things I remembered about Life of Pi were that I'd read it, it had a boy and a tiger, the boy's name had a Patel in it, and the boy and the tiger are the sole survivors of a shipwreck and spend many months on the ocean. The only thing I remembered about The Hobbit was reading it standing at a bus-stop, as I couldn't wait to read the ending :P . And that Gollum featured in it somewhere...)

And I think maybe I should learn to nibble at biscuits - eating biscuits whole doesn't seem to be qualify as 'ladylike' :D

I was actually going to say something else, but as RS had just dropped in and we were eating some biscuits, I ended up jumping from movies to biscuits. I think I'll stop now before jumping onto something else :D

Until the next time...

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